Tuesday, April 7, 2009


You might wonder what that title means...well, considering that it's April and SPRING...who the hell ordered the SNOWFALL I woke up to this morning? I know that live in the mountains of western North Carolina, but give me a break already! Three days ago it was in the 70s here and today we have snow? Is the Goddess playing some kind of practical joke here or what? Ah well, better to let her have her fun than question it too much, I suppose...at least we have enough firewood and have both fireplaces lit and blazing so it's nice and toasty here!

On to other matters, I did sort of get another chapter done last evening, but I reached that place where most authors get to where you're merrily writing along, happy as a clam, when suddenly you get to the end of a paragraph in a chapter and...BOOM! What comes next? After sitting here for nearly a half hour thinking about that, I told myself, "Self...go to bed...it'll come to you tomorrow." And, when I start talking to myself, I know it's best to listen and not argue!

I still am having trouble believing that I was ever worried about having enough material to wrap up book three...but considering I'm on chapter 14 and plan to finish up by chapter 19 or 20, that seems a moot point now. In one aspect, though, I'm kind of sad that this one is nearing completion. I've kind of grown to love the characters I've been writing about and they've become a part of me, but I'm guessing that all writers have that feeling, so I don't feel alone. On the other hand, I'll be happy when this one is done because then I can move on to the other writing projects that I'm already thinking about and have somewhat fleshed out.

Oh, and about that darned sink. I don't know if the plumber will get here today because of the snow, but that I can understand. I hate driving when it's snowing and I couldn't blame him for not coming until tomorrow. Still, it would be nice if he did get here and fix the sink, but it's not a do or die thing, so I'm remaining calm about it.

Anyhow, time for me get cracking back on the work here. Plans are to get that half-finished chapter 14 done and maybe even get two more done as well. That'll get me closer to finishing it up and I know my publisher would really appreciate it, even though he really hasn't pestered me...that is, yet...(G)

Have a great day all!

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