Tuesday, March 31, 2009


No, not that kind of "curtains"! Actually, went out today and bought real curtains for the windows in the living room and dining room. Buying them was the easy part...hanging them, that's another story entirely! We kind of misjudged about how many rods and panels we'd need and ended up only getting about 75% of the windows and doors done. ARRRGGGHHH!!! But, we're not giving up! We more correctly NOW estimate that we'll need seven more panels for the remaining door and two windows. Anyone who's seen our house will understand why we need so many curtains!
Anyhow...got the word from my publisher today that Book One is bound and ready to ship! So, I'll be adding a link to where you can buy a copy as it'll be available from both the publisher as well as Amazon.
Book Two is 99% complete and ready to go to press as I write this which helps a lot as I still have about half of Book Three still to write and get done! But, once that's over, am I taking a break? Of course not! I've already got TWO other projects in the works but at least with the BlackNBlue trilogy done at last, I can concentrate on the new stuff better. I say the trilogy is done at last, but the way it's going to end up, it seems to leave itself open for being revisited somewhere down the road, so who knows?
That's about all for now as I've got to get the last bits for Book Two sent out to Nazca and then dive into Book Three, sooooo...later all!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Latest From The 'Treehouse'

Well, it's FINALLY a beautiful, sunny Sunday here in the mountains of western North Carolina...after several days of rain, we definitely need some clear blue skies and light! And now that I've had my coffee (with more to come!) and played with the cats, checked emails and greeted the day, today will be a writing day for me!
As you can see from the last post, my first book will be out the first of next month and that's been a great, exciting time for me. It seems as though it took forever, but as with all good things, they come in their own time. My second book in the trilogy is nearly complete, i.e., my publisher has it but now comes MY real work on it as far as proofing the galley, approving the cover art (and the photo of me as well..yikes!) Well, at least I didn't break the camera...THIS TIME! LOL!
But, today, instead of working on the proofs for book two, the final book in the trilogy needs working on and this one, to me at least, is harder to get done than the first two. For two reasons. When I started book one, it was all new and undiscovered and I was inventing and writing like a madman the whole time. With book two, it was familiar ground and the words just poured forth. Now, with the final book, I'm forced to have to tie up all those loose ends and bring the story to a, hopefully, satisfying and worthwhile end. For both myself and the millions of you out there that will be buying and reading it. But, that's not to say that I might not revisit the characters and story again at some point. If the response for this trilogy is as great as my publisher and friends say it will be, I could probably be talked into doing another book down the road with some of the same characters.
Once the last book is done, I'm taking a different tack on writing and working on a series of short stories concerning love between two men that happens in unusual and surprising situations. After that's done, who knows? Of course, I have some ideas kicking around as to what I do next, but then, doesn't every writer always have ideas swimming around in their heads?
One thing I have to do today is get up with the man who got me involved in all this craziness we call the publishing world. He's become a great friend, advisor and much-needed ear that's always willing to listen to me rant and rave and what more could I ask for, right? Look out, Dan, I'M AWAKE! LOL!
I'll be adding more information in the next few days as book one hits the stands and promoting the hell out of it, so look out world!
First though, a nice hot bath is called for and then, of course, for anyone that knows me, MORE COFFEE!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


It's been a long time coming but my first book, BlackNBlue Tavern - Book One is due out the first of next month.

Published by Nazca Plains
(website: http://www.thenazcaplainscorp.com)

I'm very excited by this and looking forward to enjoying a long association with them.

As well, the second book in the trilogy is near completion and I'm currently hard at work on the final book of the trilogy as well.

Next comes a book of short stories with a twist...love between two men that happens under strange and unusual circumstances.

What comes next? Always, I'm thinking about new story ideas and concepts and have a few kicking out.

Please check out the website at Nazca Plains and take a look at not only my work but the work of everyone they publish...you won't be disappointed. Also, Nazca is always looking new talented writers. Take a look at their 'Are You A Writer?' page on their website!

Thanks for stopping by and I'll be updating this a lot more often!
