Monday, April 6, 2009


Is it just me or do most authors wake up each morning with these what I can only call "delusions of cranking out volumes of material"? I had hoped to get busy and down to the business of getting more chapters done in the last book of my trilogy, but as life goes, it went.
After coffee this morning, we discovered that one of the hot water feed lines to one of the bathrooom sinks was leaking. Being moderately handy with tools...(ok...I hear that laughter! not THOSE kind of tools although I am handy with those as well! LOL!)...I worked for nearly an hour to try and get that damn feed line off in order to replace it without success. The only thing I can figure is that whoever put it on originally must have used concrete to secure it in place. Anyhow...we ended up calling a plumber to come out and do the job for us, but he can't be here until Wednesday, of course. Thank goodness we have more than one bathroom sink!
After that bit of drama, I had to relax some and then it struck me that my hopes of writing would happen later in the day.
I have to say at this point, however, that I did get two more chapters done yesterday so at least I don't feel like I'm as behind as I thought. I know my publisher is anxiously awaiting me to send the third book, but at least he already has everything he needed for the second book which, hopefully, should be out most likely by end of month, so I have a small modicum of breathing least for the time being.
I'd really planned and hoped to have the third book done, chapter wise, by the end of this week, then work on the introduction, acknowledgements and bio for it. (Yes, it's true, we authors have to write those parts as well...we don't have magic geniis that do that for us!)
Book Three, however, is coming along well even though there are lots of loose ends to tie up, but anyone that knows me knows that being tied up is one of MY favorite things! LOL!! But, I digress...
OK, time for me to get back to's midnight here already and I'm damned determined to get at least another chapter done before I crawl up the stairs and find my neglected bed. It probably thinks I've fallen into a hole and never coming back!

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