As I've blogged on here in the past, I currently have a trilogy of books available on Amazon and published through Nazca Plains. I'm providing the links for them below and before that are the covers for the trilogy as well. I have to say that I'm rather proud of them and they were definitely a labor of love from start to finish.
As well, I've just submitted by fourth book to Nazca, tentatively titled Love Conquered. A series of short stories concerning love between men set in different locales, times and situations in which love blossoms and grows in unexpected and surprising ways. And you just know that when that one's available, I'll announce it here as well! I kind of liking this self-promotion thing...ha ha ha!
Anyhow, below are the covers for the trilogy mentioned above as well as the links to them on Amazon.
I hope everyone's Thanksgiving is truly wonderful and marvelous and filled with love!

Links to Amazon: